Shirt: H&M, Jeans: Hollister, Shoes: Tamaris, Hat: Thrift Store |
What could hide the disaster (also called hair) better than a flowery summer hat?
Everyone has a bad hair day every once in a while.
Now it was my turn again.
I'm one of those people who doesn't mind leaving the house in sweat pants and without make-up. With that, I also don't mind the bad hair.
But when I put a nice look together, I prefer my hair to also look nice. If that's not the case, I start to run around my room, searching for something to fix the problem.
Best and quickest fix for this hair problem: A hat! The only summer hat I own.
One of the few things I like about winter: More bad hair day cover-up options.
I am now on a mission: Find more summer hats!
(no Cowboy hats, they're not hard to find around here...)
Aside from the hat (that wasn't originally part of the outfit), I chose to combine a girly blouse with my favorite pair of denim.
Couldn't make up my mind whether to go for a feminine look or a more laid back outfit.
Mix of both - why not!?
May you have a not-bad hair day!
Greetings from the Midwest,
sieht total schön aus :)
ReplyDeleteI love this outfit especially that hat! It is absolutely wonderful!! So cute!